Create E-Challan for Tamil Nadu State at

You can create an e-challan for Tamil Nadu State at after simple steps. The entire process allows you make payments to Tamil Nadu authorities for various purposes without stress. The entire process to create an e-challan is seamless and quite easy to complete.

Follow the information below to complete an online challan check, finish an e challan download, and do much more. Take advantage of these steps and details to service essential payments to Tamil Nadu State without stress.

What is an E-Challan for Tamil Nadu?

The E-Challan is an automated system that allows Tamil Nadu citizens check and settle traffic-related fines without stress. This system uses latest artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to identify motorists through:

  • licence plate scanning, and
  • facial recognition

Cameras placed across Tamil Nadu make the system more effective to capture a range of traffic infractions in real time. Offending motorists will have to pay a fine as a penalty for traffic infractions.

How Does a TN E Challan Work?

The Tamil Nadu Regional Transport Office (RTO) is responsible for implementing e challan technology. TN’s RTO uses this technology to enforce traffic regulations through their digital mechanism. The software also helps isolate, document, and enforce penalties on traffic law violators throughout Tamil Nadu.

Automatic detection of infractions usually occurs through surveillance cameras and sensors. Issuance of an e challan comes through SMS or emails. Users can visit the e-challan website and make payments using a credit card or other supported funding source.

What is in an E Challan?

An e-challan possesses seven (7) vital pieces of information:

Description of traffic violation

Every e-challan possesses details about the traffic infraction committed that requires a payment as fine. Offences that require payments through an e-challan can include parking in a restricted area, running a red light, and others.

Details of vehicle

Vehicle particulars are also present in an e-challan after its issuance. The details of a vehicle used in committing a traffic infraction will have its vehicle registration number, model, colour, and other information displayed. Such details boost accurate identification of vehicles after the issuance of an e-challan.

Identification Code

An e challan Tamil Nadu will contain a unique identification code. The code is traceable and doesn’t change throughout e challan payment processing to ease identification of traffic offenders.

Time and location

A TN e challan also contains accurate detail about the location and time a traffic violation occurred. The information is vital to traffic offenders, as it allows them recall where the infractions took place.

Amount of fine

An e challan comes with its fine amount clearly spelled out in monetary terms. Offenders must pay the exact amount on their e-challan. The amount of fine also boosts a transparent penalty process for traffic offenders.

Payment guidelines

The online challan notice also comes with guidelines to help traffic offenders make quick payments. Online challans come with information about payment options, validity period, and potential penalties for non-payment.

Contact details

 Contact details come with every e challan download. Traffic offenders can take advantage of the contact information to reach relevant authorities at their convenience.  

What is the Validity of a TN E Challan?

A Tamil Nadu e challan is valid for 60 days from its date of issuance. Recipients of an e-challan after traffic infractions must pay the prescribed fee within 60 days after receiving this document. The 60-day window also allows recipients of e-challan a timeline to contest its issuance.

A motorist who receives an e-challan has the entire validity period to review specifics of the alleged infraction like:

  • specific violation that triggered the e-challan’s issuance,
  • payment methods to settle the issue of an e-challan,
  • details required to create a Tamil Nadu e-challan, etc.

Motorists who attend to the e-challan on time by acting during its time frame have a better chance to comply with traffic offence regulations. Failure to service the e-challan within its stipulated 60-day period may attract complications or further fines.  

What are the Steps for Online Challan Check?

An online challan check ensures swift confirmation of the current status of your payment to the Tamil Nadu Traffic Police. Follow these steps to complete the e challan online check through Karuvoolam:

  • Visit the website (,
  • Scroll to the ‘Public Challan’ section to send you to the ‘Remitter Details’ menu,
  • Tap the ‘Check Challan’ menu bar (at the top left corner of your screen),
  • Enter the corresponding details of your pending payment to complete the online challans check

Checking the challan status online allows you confirm if a payment is successful, pending, processing, or unpaid.

How Do I Create a Karuvoolam E Challan for Payment? provides people who need to create an E challan enough options to complete payments with ease. You can complete your TN e Challan payment on Karuvoolam with the steps below:

  • Visit the Karuvoolam official website at,
  • Scroll to the ‘Public Challan’ section and click on the icon,
  • Fill the ‘Remitter Details’ form that requests the following information:
  • Remitter Type
  • Remitter Code
  • Remitter Name / DDO Name
  • Contact No (to receive OTP and Challan Number)
  • Address (Block/Street, City / Town / Village, Pin Code, State)
  • Aadhar No
  • E-Mail (to receive Challan as a PDF copy)

Other details you need to fill for the Karuvoolam e challan include the Period, District, DDO Name, and DDO Code. You also need to enter the One-Time Password (OTP) after generating the code through the ‘Generate OTP’ button.

Next, you need to enter details about the receipt and click ‘Submit’ to complete the Karuvoolam e challan online.

Which Fines and Penalties Require an E Challan Payment?

Different degrees of fines exist to settle traffic offences in Tamil Nadu. These fines and penalties uphold public safety while discouraging total breakdown of set traffic rules. The Tamil Nadu Police sets a list of fines and penalties for corresponding infractions. Common traffic offences and their respective fines are outlined below:

Traffic OffenseFine for the First OffenseFine for Subsequent Offense
Overloading (carrying more passengers than a vehicle’s capacity)₹ 500₹ 1000
Driving any vehicle without a pollution under control (PUC) certificate₹ 1000₹ 2000
Driving on wrong side(s) of the road₹ 500₹ 1000
Driving under alcohol influence₹ 10000₹ 15000
Driving without a license₹ 500₹ 1000
Driving without insurance₹ 2000₹ 4000
Not wearing a helmet (two – wheeler)₹ 500₹ 1000
Not wearing a seat belt (four – wheeler)₹ 500₹ 1000
Obstructing traffic₹ 500₹ 1000
Over-speeding (20 km/h above the speed limit)₹ 2000₹ 4000
Over-speeding (20 km/h over speed limit)₹ 500₹ 1000
Reckless driving₹ 500₹ 1000

Repeat offenders usually need to pay twice as much through e-challans. However, driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol attracts a 50% hike in fines from the second offence. Cheapest e-challan payments in Tamil Nadu are for overloading, driving without a license, not wearing helmets, and reckless driving.

What Do I Do If I Received a Wrong E Challan Tamil Nadu?

A mis-issued TN e challan bears the receiver’s digital footprint and gets its backing from evidence gathered by state police. However, there are rare instances where an e challan may be inaccurate. Processes exist to trigger the revocation of an e challan issued erroneously. Common ways to resolve a wrongly-issued online challan:

Dispute resolution – Motorists can contest an e-challan issued in error through appropriate online channels. Follow these steps to complete an online dispute resolution to clear an e-challan issue:

  • Visit the Tamil Nadu Traffic Police official website,
  • Locate the Services Section,
  • Tap ‘Incorrect Challan?’, and
  • Submit counterevidence to counter the e-challan’s validity

Email correspondence – Sending an email can help you resolve issues related to a wrongly-issued challan. Send an email to Tamil Nadu’s traffic police with evidence to support your claim. The office will reply your correspondence and work to resolve or uphold the challan after reviews.

Direct communication – You can approach the Tamil Nadu traffic police to dismiss a challan issued wrongly. Inform traffic authorities about the situation and provide evidence to support your claim.

The Tamil Nadu traffic authorities can erase wrongly-issued challans after thorough investigations negate their initial position. Motorists with a successful e-challan appeal can get relief from paying the penalties. The entire process is impartial and encourages accuracy to prevent unjust penalties.   

How Can I Avoid E-Challan Tamil Nadu?

The best way to avoid making an e challan payment is by following traffic laws and possessing every required document. Common documents required to drive vehicles are compulsory under the Motor Vehicles Act and other regulations. Holding every document ensures you avoid a TN e challan while using state roads.  

Documents Every Motorist Should Possess to Avoid an E Challan

Possessing required documents also ensures you avoid penalties and legal issues while complying with existing laws. Vital documents necessary to drive and avoid an e-challan payment include:

Driving License (DL) – You need a valid Driving License from the Regional Transport Office (RTO) is essential to avoid an e-challan. The license ensures you are competent and eligible to handle specific vehicle classes.

Tax Token – The tax token is a document that confirms motorists’ payments to government coffers. It requires renewal after expiration and motorists should possess the latest token document in their vehicles.

Vehicle Registration Certificate – The certificate gives your vehicle RTO registration and validates it for road use. Details like the vehicle’s fuel type, registration number, chassis number, engine number, and other information are on this certificate.

Permit (for Commercial Vehicles) – All commercial vehicles are expected to possess a permit to work within specific areas or routes.

Insurance Certificate – The Motor Vehicle Act 1988 makes its compulsory for all 2- and 4-wheelers to carry valid insurance documents. Such documents must provide cover against damage, accidents, and other liabilities.

No Objection Certificate (NOC) – A NOC is necessary when driving a vehicle registered in another state on Tamil Nadu roads. The originating RTO must issue this NOC to authorize its usage in Tamil Nadu.

Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate – A Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificate shows your vehicle emissions align with environmental standards. Motorists who renew this certificate as at its due date maintain eco-friendliness while using their vehicles.

Fitness Certificate (for Commercial Vehicles) – All commercial vehicles must possess this certificate to ensure they are roadworthy and safe for transporting passengers.  

Final Word

Creating a karuvoolam e challan in Tamil Nadu is easy and supports fluid payments of several fees. You need to observe all traffic regulations and possess essential documents to drive in Tamil Nadu while avoiding e-challans. Also stay updates on recent traffic norms and ensure your vehicles are always in top condition.

Adopt a responsible approach to driving in Tamil Nadu, and the state will not require any e-challan payments from you.


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